The evaluation can be described as an “independent analysis of an intervention, depending on the results, impact and needs that the intervention intends to satisfy” (source - European Commission).

In general, evaluation is the process that allows the analysis, independently, of the benefits of an intervention financed from public funds, by reporting on certain criteria, such as: the impact of funded programs, their efficiency and effectiveness, continuous relevance to the needs of beneficiaries, how they were identified in the programming phase. Read more …

It is important to delimit "evaluation" from related but distinct areas of activity, such as "audit", "monitoring" and "research" (especially socio-economic research). Both evaluation and monitoring represent management tools.

Monitoring records the progress of activities and obtaining immediate results from the starting point (baseline) and compared to the target set for different key moments in time. The evaluation differs from the audit in that it seeks to assess the achievement of expected results ('effectiveness') and objectives ('impact') of policies and interventions, and is not limited to verifying the regulatory basis or administrative correctness of expenditure related to the achievement of those results or objectives. Read more …