

In the context of the ATSCE project, the foundations for the organization and functioning of the Romanian Evaluation Network (RER) coordinated by the Functional Working Group for Performance Evaluation (MFE) are laid and activities are defined and undertaken to animate it, in order to maintain the active participation of network members. exchange of information, practices, ideas and experience in the field of evaluation. The aim of the RER is to promote the evaluation culture and quality in the evaluation process in Romania.

The purpose of the RER

RER aims to contribute to strengthening the evaluation capacity at national level and to raising awareness of the importance of evaluation as a public management tool. The RER fulfills the role of a learning and communication platform, through which the exchange of good practices between network members is encouraged.

Why join RER?

  • For professional development in the field of evaluation;
  • For the development of the field of evaluation in general;
  • To create professional relationships in the field of evaluation;
  • To share relevant information with other members.